Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Computer Aided Design

  • CADENCE Concept HDL and CADENCE Analogue Workbench, OrCAD® schematic capture, PSPICE and ISPICE mixed signal electronic circuit simulators, MICROCAP circuit simulator, Mentor Capture, Mentor PCB Layout, OrCADPCB® and EASYPC printed circuit board packages.

  • Digital logic simulators and logic compilers, designing digital circuits using programmable logic devices such as GALs, PALs, PEELS, CPLDs and FPGA. Create and evaluate digital logic designs, using the PLPL programmable logic compiler and simulator and Xilinx ISE6.2 Professional. Software programming in BORLAND C, 80×86 assembly language programming, Introl® Code 4.0 ‘C’ Compiler and CSC universal cross assembler.

  • Software Engineering & Design – Good software engineering skills encompassingDSP and Embedded systems, Real time applications, hardware simulation and Programmable Logic Design with use of C, Borland Turbo Pascal and Assembler (6800, 68HC11, Motorola 68k series) and UNIX, Linux and DOS. Converting AHDL code to VHDL code.